Industrial Production Mechanism Study Clinical Research




The role of neuroacids in the brain


Add_Time:2020-7-27 14:30:26


1、 The human brain needs good nutrition and sufficient oxygen in the structural development stage

In the brain nutrition, more and more researchers pay attention to the nerve acid, because it is an important nutritional component of the brain and nervous system. The magic nerve acid is called "advanced neurotrophin". In the brain, neuritic acid also acts as the guardian of brain cells, promoting the metabolism of brain cells and protecting brain cells from the invasion of harmful substances. On the other hand, in the brain, the nerve acid makes the information transmission between nerve cells faster and more accurate, improves brain vitality, makes people's attention and memory enhance.

Some studies have suggested that in the early stage of the cleavage of the fertilized egg, the neural acid begins to play a role. The fetus passes through the placenta, while the infant obtains the nervous acid from the mother through the milk. In pregnancy, if the maternal lack of nervous acid, it will cause the deficiency of phospholipid in fetal or infant brain cells, which will affect the growth and development of brain cells, and lead to various neurological and visual disorders.

Recent studies have shown that brain cells of any age may germinate new dendrites and establish new connections. The brain needs special nutrients for life. The brain needs certain nutrients (such as antioxidants) to protect itself, and certain nutrients (such as neuroacids) to maintain its normal structure.

Neuraminic acid can act on all aspects of brain development, including promoting the proliferation and differentiation of brain nerve cells, promoting the myelination of nerve fibers, and regulating the level of neurotransmitters in the brain. If the child lacks, can cause the intelligence flaw, even causes the lasting damage.

The role of nervonic acid

1. It is an important substance of cell membrane in nerve tissue.

2. It is an important source of information transmission medium between nerve cells.

3. It is the main material source of nerve sheath growth.

The 7th International Conference on neuraminic acid suggested that "pregnant women should take appropriate amount of neuraminic acid, which is very important for children's intellectual development".

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends that all young children's diets should be supplemented with appropriate amounts of neuraminic acid. ".

2、 The key period and the best way to supplement nervonic acid

Fetal period and to early childhood is the key period of brain development, we should pay attention to the supplement of nutrients for the brain. The human body completes 60% of the brain development before the age of 2. At this time, whether the nutrition required for the development of brain and nerve tissue is sufficient or not directly affects the brain development and future intellectual development of the baby, and the supplement of neuritic acid is particularly important.

2. During pregnancy, the placenta has a "Magnifying" effect on nerve acid. Therefore, pregnant women should pay attention to the intake of enough nerve acid to supply fetal brain development.

3. Breastfeeding mothers must ensure that they get enough neur acids to nourish their babies.

4. It is not easy to separate the neuritic acid from fish. Plant extract is the best source of nervonic acid at present, and the content of it is purer and more stable.

The first peak of human brain development is at 10-18 weeks of gestation, when the number of nerve cells increases sharply, which lasts until 6 months after birth. The study reported that the content of neural acid in fetal brain tissue began to increase in the early pregnancy and reached the peak in the last three months of pregnancy. At the third month of gestation, the accumulation of neuritic acid is parallel to the increase and formation of neurons and dendrites. Neuroacids contribute to vision and cognition in infants and young children. If the brain development missed the early childhood of fetus, no matter how much nutrients were added, the brain structure could not be significantly developed. Therefore, in the infant brain development speed is the fastest, to timely supplement nerve acid to meet the needs of brain development, so as to raise a smart baby.

3、 In the functional development stage of human brain, rich information stimulation is needed to improve brain function

When the child is young, the stimulation in the environment plays a very important role in the development of the child's nervous system. When they see, listen and touch, they stimulate the formation of soft synapses and more neural networks. The connection between children's thinking, logic and information becomes broad and agile.

The internal nutritional factors lay the material foundation for the brain development, and the external environmental factors provide spiritual food for the brain function. The combination of the two can make the infant have a developed brain and be intelligent. In this stage of brain development, it is necessary to take advantage of the brain's blank development, because it has to absorb information from the outside world sensitively. Information enters the brain, that is, it is imprinted in the structure of the brain. Therefore, we should input the beautiful and correct knowledge information as soon as possible, occupy the magic land of brain, and make it become the ocean of knowledge and the birthplace of wisdom.

It is necessary and indispensable for the brain nutrition development and memory improvement of young children. Fetal growth and development of nerve acid, must be supplied by the mother through the placenta. However, medical studies have shown that in order to supply the neural acid needed for the development of fetal brain and retina, the amount of neuritic acid in pregnant women will decrease. Therefore, in order to ensure the normal development of fetal brain and retina, we should pay attention to the supplement of neural acid during pregnancy. However, the source of the baby after birth, the level of maternal nerve acid determines the content of neural acid in breast milk. Therefore, lactating women also need a certain amount of neural acid supply, while the content of neural acid in ordinary food is less, so it is difficult to directly ingest it from ordinary food. Therefore, pregnant women and lactating women need to choose nutrients rich in neuraminic acid to meet the needs of fetal or infant growth and development. Newborns generally rely mainly on breast milk supplement. Studies have found that infants and young children with insufficient supply of neural acid are prone to develop hair growth